Senators Accuse BMW, Toyota, and Others of Sharing Consumer Location Data Without Warrant

### Senators Call for Investigation into Automakers’ Privacy Policies

#### Concerns Raised by Senators
– Senators urge FTC and FCC to investigate automakers’ privacy policies.
– Car companies accused of revealing sensitive data to authorities without a warrant.
– Only five companies found to require a warrant for GPS data.

### Modern Cars: Computers on Wheels
Modern cars are equipped with advanced systems like cameras, GPS trackers, and audio recording devices. These vehicles can store vast amounts of data, raising concerns about consumer privacy. U.S. Senators are pushing for stronger protections from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to safeguard consumer data.

### Addressing Misuse of Connected Vehicle Technologies
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell has highlighted cases of domestic abusers using vehicle connectivity tools to track and control victims. She emphasizes the need for survivors to have the ability to revoke an abuser’s access to sensitive vehicle data swiftly. Other Senators support Dingell’s efforts to protect consumer privacy.

### Automakers Under Scrutiny
Nine automakers admitted to sharing location data with authorities without a warrant, violating their 2014 promise to require legal authorization for GPS information. Only a few companies, including Ford, General Motors, Stellantis, Honda, and Tesla, adhere to this requirement.

### Protecting Consumer Privacy
Senators Ron Wyden and Edward Markey stress the importance of protecting location data, comparing it to other sensitive information that requires legal authorization. The FTC and FCC face pressure to take action to safeguard consumer privacy in an era of increasing data collection in vehicles.

### Future Implications
As data collection in vehicles expands, regulators are exploring ways to mandate safety features like blood alcohol testers and speed limit warnings. Consumer advocates warn of potential privacy risks associated with data sharing and urge stricter regulations to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

By addressing these concerns and implementing stronger privacy measures, automakers can ensure that consumer data remains protected from misuse and unauthorized access.

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