Speeding Car Crashes into Tire Dealer Lot, Damaging Eight Parked Vehicles

Title: Car Crashes Plague Tire Shop in Greensboro, North Carolina


A tire shop owner in Greensboro, North Carolina, is facing a recurring nightmare as cars continue to crash into his business. Alberto Piedra, the owner of Crazy Tires, recently witnessed a horrifying incident where a passenger car went airborne and flipped multiple times before colliding with eight vehicles on his lot. This incident is just one of many that have plagued Piedra’s business, leaving him concerned about the safety of his customers and employees.

The Dangerous Curve

Located near the end of the Crazy Tires property is a curve that seems to be the starting point for these accidents. A snapshot from Google Street View reveals the treacherous bend, which may contribute to the loss of control experienced by drivers. Additionally, a nearby telephone pole could potentially play a role in these incidents. The exact cause of these accidents remains unknown, but it is clear that something needs to be done to address the issue.

The Impact on Business and Safety

For Piedra, the primary concern is not the damage to his property but the potential harm to individuals. He expressed his fear for the safety of his customers and employees, stating that cars frequently speed through the area regardless of the time of day. The recent crash resulted in a loss of power and internet connectivity for Piedra’s business on a busy Saturday, leading to financial losses. The tire shop owner emphasizes that his main worry is the well-being of people rather than material possessions.

Insufficient Police Resources

Both Piedra and local news outlet Fox News 8 have reached out to the police department regarding the recurring accidents. Unfortunately, they received the same response – the authorities currently lack the necessary manpower and resources to effectively patrol the area. This leaves Piedra and other business owners in the vicinity feeling vulnerable and unprotected. Without increased police presence, it is uncertain how this ongoing issue can be resolved.

Seeking Solutions

To address the dangerous situation, it is crucial for local authorities to prioritize the safety of businesses and residents in the area. Additional police patrols and traffic enforcement measures could help deter speeding and reckless driving. Moreover, conducting a thorough investigation into the cause of these accidents, including analyzing the curve and potential hazards, is essential. Implementing safety measures such as warning signs, speed bumps, or guardrails may also be necessary to prevent further incidents.


The tire shop owner in Greensboro, North Carolina, is facing an alarming pattern of car crashes that pose a significant threat to his business and the safety of those in the area. Alberto Piedra’s concerns about the lack of police presence and resources are valid, as these accidents continue to occur with little intervention. It is crucial for local authorities to take immediate action to address this issue, ensuring the safety of both businesses and individuals. By implementing effective traffic enforcement measures and investigating the cause of these accidents, steps can be taken to prevent further incidents and provide peace of mind to the community.

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