Spotify advises owners to discard car devices due to technical issues

**Spotify Discontinues Support for Car Thing, Turning Devices into Bricks**

Tech hardware is constantly evolving, and sometimes older devices get left behind. Spotify’s Car Thing is one such example, as the company has announced the discontinuation of support for these devices, effectively turning them into useless bricks.

**The End of Car Thing:**
Spotify has decided to end service for Car Thing on December 9th, leaving owners with no option but to dispose of the $90 hardware device. Unfortunately, there will be no refunds or credits offered to affected users.

**The Background:**
Car Thing was introduced as a test by Spotify but failed to gain traction in the market. Priced at $90, it was meant to enhance older vehicles’ music experience but was overshadowed by modern car systems like Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. Spotify will now focus its resources on other projects.

**Disposal Recommendations:**
Spotify has advised owners to reset their Car Thing devices to factory settings and dispose of them following local electronic waste guidelines. The company has not provided a sustainable solution for keeping these devices out of landfills.

**Looking Ahead:**
While Spotify has not offered any innovative solutions for repurposing Car Thing devices, some users have found alternative uses for them. It remains to be seen if Spotify will explore options to make the devices useful beyond the December deadline.

As Spotify ends support for Car Thing, owners are left with no choice but to discard the devices. While the company has not provided a clear plan for recycling or repurposing them, users may find creative ways to extend the life of their Car Thing devices.

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