Spotify Refuses Refunds for ‘The Car Thing’ | Giga Gears

Spotify’s Car Thing Users Left in the Lurch

Expectations vs. Reality

When consumers purchase a product, they typically assume they will be able to use it for the foreseeable future, even after the company stops selling it. For example, your car doesn’t suddenly become unusable once the manufacturer ceases production. However, this is not the case for users of Spotify’s Car Thing.

The Issue at Hand

Users who invested in Spotify’s Car Thing are now facing a frustrating predicament – their devices are bricking, rendering them useless. This unexpected turn of events has left many customers feeling disappointed and abandoned by the streaming giant.

No Refunds Offered

Despite the malfunctioning devices, Spotify has not offered any refunds to affected users. This lack of accountability has only added to the frustration and dissatisfaction among Car Thing owners.

For more information on this troubling situation, click here.

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