“Steal a Tesla with Flipper Zero | Giga Gears”

Researchers Discover Security Flaw Allowing Tesla Hijacking with Flipper Zero

Recently, security researchers have revealed a concerning design flaw that enables them to take control of a Tesla vehicle using a Flipper Zero, a controversial hacking tool priced at $169. Tommy Mysk and Talal Haj Bakry from Mysk Inc. partnered up to demonstrate how easily a Tesla can be hijacked by simply obtaining the owner’s login credentials, accessing the Tesla app, and driving off with the vehicle.

The Vulnerability

The flaw discovered by Mysk and Bakry highlights a significant vulnerability in Tesla’s security system, allowing hackers to exploit it with relative ease. By leveraging the Flipper Zero device, hackers can bypass the authentication process and gain unauthorized access to the Tesla app, essentially granting them control over the vehicle.

Implications for Tesla Owners

For Tesla owners, this revelation raises serious concerns about the safety and security of their vehicles. With the potential for malicious actors to remotely access and manipulate their cars, owners must take proactive measures to safeguard their personal information and prevent unauthorized access to their vehicles.

Recommendations for Tesla Security

As Tesla works to address this security flaw, owners can protect themselves by implementing strong password practices, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant for any suspicious activity related to their Tesla accounts. Additionally, keeping software and firmware up to date can help mitigate the risk of exploitation by cybercriminals.

For more information on this security vulnerability and how it can be exploited using the Flipper Zero hacking tool, you can read the full article here.

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