Stellantis Patents Vibration System for EVs to Mimic Combustion Engines

Revolutionizing Electric Vehicles: Dodge’s Active Sound Enhancement System

The Evolution of Performance EVs

Performance EVs have taken the automotive world by storm, offering unparalleled speed and refinement. However, one aspect where they fall short is in capturing the emotion and character of traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

Dodge’s Innovative Approach

Enter Dodge, the iconic American automaker known for its muscle cars. A recent patent filed by Stellantis, Dodge’s parent company, introduces the Active Sound Enhancement (ASE) system and Active Vibration System Enhancement (AVE). These cutting-edge technologies aim to inject the soulful essence of ICE vehicles into Dodge’s upcoming electric models.

The All-Electric Dodge Charger Daytona

The patent, filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), hints at the ASE and AVE systems being integrated into the highly anticipated all-electric Dodge Charger Daytona. This move signifies Dodge’s commitment to preserving the legacy of its muscle car heritage in the electric era.

Enhancing the Driving Experience

While Dodge has previously introduced the Fratazonic Chambered Exhaust to simulate exhaust notes in the Charger Daytona, the ASE/AVE system takes it a step further. The AVE system recreates the visceral vibrations associated with traditional V8 engines, enhancing the overall driving experience.

Creating Immersive Sensations

The patent details various methods of generating vibrations, including using force generators to simulate chassis vibrations and transmitting sensations to key touchpoints like the steering wheel and driver’s seat. This innovative approach aims to immerse drivers in a multi-sensory driving experience akin to high-end sim-racing rigs.

The Future of Performance EVs

As Dodge pioneers these advancements in artificial sound and vibrations, the automotive industry is left pondering whether such innovations can truly replicate the essence of ICE vehicles. Will die-hard Charger fans embrace this new era of electrification with open arms?


Dodge’s Active Sound Enhancement System represents a bold leap towards bridging the gap between electric and traditional vehicles. By infusing electric cars with the spirit of their iconic muscle cars, Dodge is setting a new standard for performance EVs.

Image Source: Michael Gauthier / CarScoops

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