Stellantis Points Finger at California for Limited Internal Combustion Vehicle Stock in Certain States

Stellantis Withholds Gas-Only Cars from CARB-Compliant States

Stellantis, the world’s third-largest automaker by revenue, has made a strategic decision to only stock dealer lots with electrified versions of its vehicles in the 14 CARB-compliant states since June of this year. This move comes as a response to what the company perceives as legislative inequality. Stellantis has recently filed a petition against the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to address this issue.

The Impact of Legislative Inequality

Stellantis’ decision to withhold gas-only cars from CARB-compliant states is a direct result of legislative inequality. The company believes that the current regulations favor electric vehicles over traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. By only offering electrified versions of its vehicles in these states, Stellantis aims to draw attention to what it sees as an unfair advantage given to electric vehicles.

A Petition Against CARB

In an effort to address this issue, Stellantis has formally lodged a petition against the California Air Resources Board. The petition aims to highlight the need for a more balanced approach to regulations, ensuring that both electric and gas-powered vehicles are given equal opportunities in the market. Stellantis hopes that this petition will lead to a reconsideration of the current regulations and a fairer playing field for all automakers.

Stellantis’ decision to prioritize electrified vehicles in CARB-compliant states reflects its commitment to advocating for a level playing field in the automotive industry. By taking this stance, the company hopes to spark a larger conversation about the future of automotive regulations and the role of different powertrain technologies.

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