Stolen Buick Grand National Crashes into 15+ Cars after Restoration | Giga Gears

Theft and Crash of 1987 Buick Grand National in Boston


An unknown suspect stole and crashed a 1987 Buick Grand National in Boston. Police are actively investigating the crime while the owner is devastated by the incident.

Details of the Incident

According to the police, the thief in Boston used a screwdriver to start the classic 1987 Buick Grand National before embarking on a joyride that resulted in crashing into 15-20 other vehicles. The suspect is still at large as authorities continue their search.

Incident Location and Impact

The crime occurred on a Monday afternoon in the Dorchester area of Boston. Surveillance cameras captured glimpses of the black sports car speeding through city streets, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The suspect collided with several vehicles before abandoning the Buick, which sustained significant damage.

Owner’s Reaction

The owner, Dennis Harrington, expressed his devastation over the incident. He had recently completed a year-long restoration on the car, including installing a new engine. Harrington lamented, “He literally just wrecked my life by joyriding the car for no reason. It just makes me sick.” The owner estimates spending around $150,000 on the vehicle since acquiring it.

Community Impact

Other individuals affected by the incident, such as the owner of a red Lexus sedan, shared their shock and sadness. Luan Dai, the Lexus owner, stated, “I just feel sad for everybody in the situation. I hope he gets caught soon.”

Vehicle Damage and Value

The Buick Grand National sustained severe damage to the front end, including the hood, fenders, and bumper. These rare cars often command prices exceeding $100,000 at auctions. Despite the damage, there is hope that Harrington’s beloved car can be repaired and back on the road, fulfilling his dream of passing it down to his son.

Image Credit: WCVB

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