Student Wins Car with Field Goal, Dealership Tries to Back Out | Giga Gears

Purdue University Student Denied Car Lease After Winning Field Goal Contest

A student from Purdue University thought he had secured a two-year car lease after successfully making three field goals during a contest held at the Boilermakers’ season opener in West Lafayette. However, the dealership sponsoring the giveaway later backed out of the deal due to a technicality. The final kick, a 40-yarder, proved to be in vain.

The Contest and Initial Victory

During the Boilermakers’ season opener, a contest was held where participants had the opportunity to win a two-year car lease by successfully kicking three field goals. The Purdue University student, filled with excitement and confidence, managed to make all three kicks, including a challenging 40-yarder.

The Dealership’s Change of Heart

Despite the student’s clear victory, the dealership sponsoring the giveaway later reneged on the deal. They cited a technicality as the reason for their decision, leaving the student disappointed and frustrated. The dealership’s actions have sparked controversy and raised questions about the ethics of their promotional campaigns.

The Impact on the Student

For the Purdue University student, the denied car lease has been a major setback. Winning the contest and securing a two-year car lease would have provided him with much-needed transportation and financial relief. The student now faces the challenge of finding an alternative solution for his transportation needs.

Despite the disappointment, the student’s story has gained attention and support from the community. Many are calling for the dealership to honor their initial agreement and provide the student with the promised car lease.


The Purdue University student’s victory in the field goal contest turned sour when the sponsoring dealership reneged on their promise of a two-year car lease. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and integrity in promotional campaigns. It also serves as a reminder to participants to thoroughly review the terms and conditions of any contest or giveaway before participating.

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