Tesla and NHTSA Accused of Concealing Information on Autopilot Crashes

New Investigation Reveals Concerning Findings About Tesla’s Autopilot

New Investigation Reveals Concerning Findings About Tesla’s Autopilot

Tesla Autopilot


A new investigation conducted by the Wall Street Journal has uncovered alarming information about Tesla’s Autopilot system. The report analyzed crash data, federal filings, and police records related to over 200 Autopilot-related accidents, revealing new patterns and concerns.

Struggles with Obstacle Avoidance

The investigation found that Tesla’s Autopilot system has encountered difficulties with obstacle avoidance. In several accidents, the system failed to navigate around obstacles, resulting in collisions.

Veering Off the Road

Furthermore, the report highlighted instances where Tesla vehicles veered off the road while Autopilot was engaged. This raises concerns about the system’s ability to maintain control and stay within the designated lanes.

Hidden Information

The investigation also revealed that crucial information regarding the crashes has been concealed from the public. Both Tesla and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have hidden specific details, such as the crash narrative and incident dates. Tesla claims this information is confidential business data, while the NHTSA cites privacy protection obligations under federal law.

Identifiable Trend of Avoidable Crashes

Both the Wall Street Journal’s findings and the NHTSA indicate a clear trend of avoidable crashes involving Tesla vehicles. Some incidents involved Tesla cars colliding with emergency vehicles with flashing lights, while others involved collisions with visible objects or running off the road at T-junctions.

Concerns about Camera-Based Systems

Although the report does not directly attribute these collisions to Tesla’s camera-based Autopilot system, it highlights that other manufacturers continue to utilize radar and laser systems alongside cameras. This raises questions about the effectiveness of relying solely on cameras for obstacle detection.

Driver Responsibility and Environmental Factors

Tesla emphasizes that when Autopilot is engaged, drivers must keep their hands on the wheel and be ready to take over control. The company has also attributed some incidents to environmental factors like heavy rain, which may affect the system’s performance.


The investigation’s findings raise concerns about the reliability and safety of Tesla’s Autopilot system. With the hidden information and identifiable trend of avoidable crashes, further scrutiny and improvements are necessary to ensure the system’s effectiveness in preventing accidents.

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