“Tesla Bosses Check on Absent Employees to Confirm Illness | Giga Gears”

# Tesla’s Controversial Approach to Employee Absenteeism at Berlin Gigafactory

![Tesla Berlin Gigafactory](https://gigagears.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/tesla-bosses-check-on-absent-employees-to-confirm-illness-giga-gears.jpg)

## Introduction

In an unusual move, management at Tesla’s Berlin Gigafactory has begun visiting employees who are on sick leave to verify their health status. This initiative comes in response to an alarming absenteeism rate that is reportedly three times higher than the national average in Germany.

## High Absenteeism Rates

According to recent reports, the average sick leave rate in Germany for 2023 stood at 6.1%, while the automotive sector recorded a slightly lower figure of 5.2%. In stark contrast, the absenteeism rate at Tesla’s Berlin facility soared to 17% in August, before dropping to 11% in September. This trend has raised concerns among management, prompting them to take drastic measures.

## Incentives and Management Responses

Initially, Tesla’s management expressed frustration over the high absenteeism rates, hinting at potential job cuts for those who were frequently absent. Plant manager André Thierig made headlines with his remarks, stating, “We will not tolerate some people bending their backs for others who just don’t feel like coming to work.”

In an attempt to encourage better attendance, the company introduced a €1,000 (approximately $1,115) bonus for employees who maintained an attendance rate of over 95%. However, this incentive did little to change the prevailing attitudes among the workforce.

## Door-to-Door Verification

When the absenteeism issue persisted, Thierig and HR manager Erik Demmler resorted to a more direct approach: they began visiting the homes of absent employees. While such visits are legal in Germany, they have sparked controversy. Dirk Schulze, a representative from the IG Metall union, criticized this tactic as “absurd,” arguing that it fails to address the underlying issues contributing to high absenteeism, such as excessive workloads.

## The Need for Change

Schulze emphasized that if Tesla’s management truly aims to reduce sick days, they must first break the cycle of overwork that leads to employee burnout and absenteeism. He suggested that addressing the root causes of stress and workload could foster a healthier work environment and ultimately improve attendance.

## Conclusion

Tesla’s aggressive approach to managing absenteeism at its Berlin Gigafactory has drawn mixed reactions. While the company seeks to ensure productivity, the methods employed may not be the most effective or welcomed by employees. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Tesla will adapt its strategies to create a more supportive workplace culture.

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