Tesla Customers Taking Matters into Their Own Hands for Quality Control | Giga Gears

The Truth About Tesla’s Build Quality Issues

When it comes to Tesla, quality problems seem to be a common theme. From panel gaps to subpar interiors and even glass roofs that mysteriously detach, it’s clear that customers need to proceed with caution when purchasing a new Tesla vehicle. The Cybertruck, despite its hefty price tag of over $100,000, has not been immune to these issues…

Panel Gaps and Interior Woes

One of the most well-known issues with Tesla vehicles is the presence of noticeable panel gaps. These gaps can be a major eyesore and indicate a lack of attention to detail in the manufacturing process. In addition, many customers have reported subpar interiors with cheap materials and poor craftsmanship…

The Flying Glass Roof Problem

Perhaps one of the most alarming issues reported by Tesla owners is the phenomenon of glass roofs detaching from the vehicle while driving. This safety hazard has left many customers feeling uneasy about the reliability of their Tesla vehicles…


Despite its reputation for innovation and cutting-edge technology, Tesla continues to struggle with quality control issues that can’t be ignored. As customers consider purchasing a new Tesla, it’s important to be aware of these potential problems and proceed with caution…

Read more about Tesla’s quality control issues…

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