Tesla Cybertruck Door Button Design Sends Man To Hospital

The Safety Concerns Surrounding the Tesla Cybertruck

A Mishap Leads to Emergency Room Visit

A recent incident involving a Tesla Cybertruck owner and his father-in-law has raised concerns about potential safety issues with the vehicle. The mishap resulted in the father-in-law needing seven stitches and a splint after an accident involving the truck’s door button.

Unforgiving Design

While the Cybertruck has faced criticism for its boxy design, some owners have pointed out that the body panels and overall design can be unforgiving in certain situations. One owner shared their experience of a family member ending up in the emergency room due to the unique door button placement.

The Unique Door Button Design

Unlike traditional vehicles with door handles, the Cybertruck features buttons that pop the doors open. The placement of these buttons between the front and rear doors can create a pinch point, leading to potential accidents like the one experienced by the Cybertruck owner’s father-in-law.

Potential Safety Risks

The incident has sparked discussions among Cybertruck owners about the potential safety risks associated with the unique design of the vehicle. There are hopes that Tesla will address these concerns in future iterations of the Cybertruck to prevent similar accidents from happening.

Image Credit: Cybertruckownersclub

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