Tesla Cybertruck Owner Denied Warranty Coverage for Coolant Leak After 35 Miles

The Tesla Cybertruck Continues to Face Issues for Owners

The Tesla Cybertruck is making headlines once again, but this time it’s not for its futuristic design. Owners are experiencing problems with their new electric pickup shortly after taking delivery. From coolant leaks to performance issues, the Cybertruck seems to be facing some teething problems.

Coolant Leaks and Other Concerns

One owner reported coolant leaks just miles after driving off the lot with their Cybertruck. This is just one of many issues that owners have been facing, raising concerns about the reliability of Tesla’s latest offering.

Tesla’s Response

Tesla has been quick to respond to these issues, but some owners are finding that the fixes aren’t as straightforward as they had hoped. With the Cybertruck still in its early stages of production, it remains to be seen how these problems will be addressed in the long run.

Stay Informed

As more owners share their experiences with the Tesla Cybertruck, it’s important to stay informed about any potential issues that may arise. Keep an eye on updates from Tesla and be prepared for any challenges that may come your way as a Cybertruck owner.

For more information on the latest issues facing Tesla Cybertruck owners, click here.

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