Tesla Cybertruck Rolls Over in Sand Dunes

The Cybertruck Chronicles: A Series of Rollovers

Another Day, Another Cybertruck Rollover

It seems like Tesla Cybertrucks are having a rough time staying upright. Following recent incidents in the United States, a third rollover has been reported, this time in China.

The Sand Dune Disaster

  • One of the worst rollover crashes involving a Cybertruck occurred on sand dunes.
  • The damage sustained by this Cybertruck surpasses previous incidents.
  • A Jeep Wrangler also rolled over at the same location around the same time.

The Chinese Desert Debacle

The crash took place in a Chinese desert, showcasing the aftermath of a brutal tumble. The Cybertruck, adorned with Chinese writing that translates to “Play More,” now lies battered and broken.

A Scene of Chaos

At the scene, a Ford F-150 Raptor with a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited on its flatbed hints at the chaos that unfolded. The treacherous terrain led to multiple vehicles losing control and rolling down the hill.

Lessons Learned

While details about injuries remain unclear, it’s evident that this setting poses significant risks. As we await more information on this Cybertruck calamity, one thing is certain – keeping these electric beasts shiny side up is crucial.

Image Credit: Justin He

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