Tesla Cybertruck: Top-Selling $100K+ Vehicle | Giga Gears

The Tesla Cybertruck: Love it or Hate it, it’s June’s Best-Selling Luxury Vehicle

Despite its polarizing design, the Tesla Cybertruck has managed to become the best-selling vehicle priced over $100,000 in June. This achievement is quite remarkable considering the strong opinions people have about this unconventional truck.

The Controversial Tesla Cybertruck

Love it or hate it, the Tesla Cybertruck has captured the attention of the automotive world. Its futuristic design and innovative features have sparked debates among car enthusiasts.

A Surprising Sales Success

Despite facing criticism and backlash, the Tesla Cybertruck has defied expectations by outselling other luxury vehicles in its price range. This unexpected success highlights the growing popularity of electric vehicles and the influence of Tesla in the automotive industry.

For more information on the best-selling Tesla Cybertruck, click here.

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