Tesla Driver Allegedly Kills Motorcyclist While Using Phone and FSD

Tesla Model S Driver Admits Reliance on FSD During Bike Crash

Tesla Model S Driver Admits Reliance on Full Self-Driving (FSD) During Bike Crash

Tesla Model S


On April 19, a tragic accident occurred involving a Tesla Model S and a motorcycle. The rider of the motorcycle unfortunately lost their life. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the Tesla driver was not only using the Full Self-Driving (FSD) semi-autonomous technology but was also distracted by their phone at the time of the crash. This incident has sparked a renewed debate about the safety of Tesla’s Autopilot system.

Driver’s Admission

The driver of the Tesla Model S admitted that they had relied too heavily on the FSD technology during the crash. It is important to note that Tesla disclaims responsibility for accidents if drivers are found to be inattentive while using their vehicles.

Concerns about FSD

Accidents like this highlight the potential risks associated with Tesla’s Full Self-Driving system. Some drivers may misuse the technology and become overly reliant on it, neglecting their responsibility to remain attentive while behind the wheel. This incident serves as a reminder that FSD should be used with caution and that drivers must always be prepared to take control of the vehicle if necessary.

Confirmation of FSD Engagement

Although initially referred to as Autopilot, the less advanced version of Tesla’s semi-autonomous driving software, authorities have confirmed that the vehicle involved in the crash was running on Full Self-Driving. Tesla has since updated the name of the system to FSD Supervised to emphasize the need for driver supervision and attentiveness.

The Challenge of Passive Attention

One of the challenges with semi-autonomous driving systems like FSD is the tendency for drivers to become complacent and disengaged. Human nature often leads individuals to seek distractions rather than actively monitoring the vehicle’s actions. This issue extends beyond Tesla’s technology and applies to all Level 1 and Level 2 autonomous systems.


This tragic accident involving a Tesla Model S highlights the importance of responsible use and supervision of semi-autonomous driving systems. Drivers must remember that they are ultimately responsible for the safe operation of their vehicles and should not rely solely on technology to prevent accidents.

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