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The Human Cost of Tesla Layoffs: Nico Murillo’s Story

Tesla’s Workforce Reduction

Recently, Tesla made headlines by laying off 10% of its employees, including over 14,000 workers. Among them was Nico Murillo, whose story of dedication and dismissal has captured the online community’s attention.

Nico Murillo’s Journey at Tesla

Nico Murillo joined Tesla’s Fremont plant in 2019 and quickly rose through the ranks to become a Production Supervisor. However, last week, he found himself among those let go in the company’s restructuring.

The Day of Dismissal

On the morning of April 15, Murillo received a message informing him that his position had been eliminated. Despite his dedication, which included sleeping in his car and showering at the factory to avoid commuting, he was turned away from the premises.

Online Sympathy and Shared Experiences

Following his LinkedIn post detailing his experience, Murillo received an outpouring of sympathy from fellow users. Many shared similar stories of sacrificing for their jobs, only to face sudden dismissal, highlighting the human toll of corporate decisions.


Nico Murillo’s story sheds light on the personal impact of large-scale layoffs at companies like Tesla. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices employees make for their work and the uncertainty they face in times of restructuring.

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