Tesla Model 3 Fire Caution: Debris Impact Reveals Hazards | Giga Gears

Are Electric Vehicles More Prone to Catch Fire?

Statistically, electric vehicles catch on fire less often than gas or diesel-powered cars. However, when they do go up in flames, the conflagration can be dramatically quick and very difficult to put out. A recent incident involving a burning Tesla Model 3 in New Jersey highlighted the strengths and potential dangers of EV fires.

The attention garnered by burning electric vehicles is understandable. Not only do some people distrust the new technology associated with the platform, but there are also real challenges associated with it. EV fires are often hard to extinguish, they tend to start and grow rapidly, and sometimes they can reignite weeks after an initial incident. In fact, it is noteworthy when firefighters are able to save an EV after it has caught fire.

In the case of the Tesla Model 3 fire in New Jersey, Tom Moloughney, an EV enthusiast and the owner of the State of Charge YouTube channel, captured the incident on video. The driver of the burning Tesla explained that he had hit an object while traveling, which triggered a warning message on the car’s display, instructing him to pull over. Upon smelling something burning, he quickly exited the vehicle and called the fire department. Shortly after, the car caught fire.

This scenario is reminiscent of the way many Tesla Model S vehicles caught fire shortly after their launch. In each case, the cars had hit something on the road, damaging the battery pack and leading to a fire. Once an EV battery is damaged, it can experience thermal runaway, a process that is challenging to extinguish using conventional methods. In some instances, firefighters have had to fully submerge a vehicle underwater to prevent reignition. However, it is important to note that electric vehicles are generally less prone to fires compared to combustion cars.

It is worth mentioning that this behavior is not limited to Tesla or even just electric car manufacturers. Electric scooters and bikes are also susceptible to fires that start quickly and cause significant damage. In many of these cases, the battery technology is not as refined or regulated. Consequently, there have been instances where individuals have lost their lives due to e-bike or e-scooter battery fires.

While EV fires can be concerning, it is crucial to keep in mind that they are relatively rare occurrences. The overall safety of electric vehicles remains high, and advancements in battery technology continue to improve their safety features. Manufacturers are constantly working to enhance the durability and resilience of EV batteries to minimize the risk of fires.

As the popularity of electric vehicles grows, it is essential for consumers to be aware of the proper maintenance and handling of EV batteries. Regular inspections, following manufacturer guidelines, and avoiding situations that could potentially damage the battery pack are all important steps in reducing the risk of fires.

In conclusion, electric vehicles are generally less prone to fires compared to traditional combustion cars. However, when EV fires do occur, they can be challenging to extinguish and may require specialized techniques. It is crucial for manufacturers and consumers alike to prioritize safety and continue to improve battery technology to minimize the risk of fires in electric vehicles. With proper maintenance and responsible handling, electric vehicles can provide a safe and sustainable transportation option for the future.

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