Tesla Model S Caught ICEing Its Own Charger

Heading 1: What is ICEing and Why is it a Problem for EV Drivers?

ICEing refers to the act of drivers with internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles parking in bays designated for electric vehicles, thereby blocking access to a charging point. This is a problem for EV drivers because it prevents them from accessing the charging points they need to keep their vehicles running. Some drivers of gas cars may do this without realizing, but others do it out of spite, which only reinforces an us-and-them mentality between drivers of EVs and combustion cars.

Heading 2: The Frustration of ICEing for EV Drivers

ICEing is incredibly frustrating for EV drivers, as it can prevent them from getting the charge they need to continue their journey. It can also lead to a feeling of resentment towards drivers of combustion cars who seem to be deliberately blocking access to charging points. This can create tension between the two groups of drivers and make it difficult for them to coexist peacefully on the road.

Heading 3: The Problem of EV Drivers Hogging Charging Points

While ICEing is a problem for EV drivers, they are not always blameless themselves. Many EV drivers are guilty of staying too long at charging points, even after their car has finished charging. This can prevent other drivers from accessing the charging points they need and create frustration and resentment among those who are waiting. Some networks, including Tesla, charge idle fees when an EV has completed charging and is left plugged in at a busy charging station.

Heading 4: The Importance of Sharing Charging Points

Sharing charging points is essential for both EV and combustion car drivers. EV drivers need access to charging points to keep their vehicles running, while combustion car drivers need access to parking spaces. By sharing charging points and parking spaces, both groups of drivers can coexist peacefully on the road and avoid unnecessary tension and frustration.

Heading 5: Conclusion

In conclusion, ICEing is a problem for EV drivers that can lead to frustration and resentment towards drivers of combustion cars. However, EV drivers are not always blameless themselves, as they can also hog charging points and prevent other drivers from accessing them. Sharing charging points and parking spaces is essential for both groups of drivers to coexist peacefully on the road and avoid unnecessary tension and frustration. By working together, we can create a more harmonious driving experience for everyone.

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