Tesla Owners Complain About Full-Self Driving Issues with Curbs | Giga Gears

Tesla Owners Upset Over Latest Full Self Driving Update

Recent updates to Tesla’s Full Self Driving suite (version 12.3.4) have left many Tesla owners frustrated. The camera-only driving system seems to be struggling with identifying curbs, causing concern among users.

Issues with Curb Detection

According to reports from InsideEVs, some Tesla owners have experienced difficulties with the Full Self Driving system when it comes to detecting curbs. This has led to instances of the vehicle potentially driving over curbs, posing a safety risk.

Owner Feedback

Concerned Tesla owners have taken to social media platforms and YouTube to share their experiences and voice their frustrations with the latest Full Self Driving update.

What’s Next?

As Tesla continues to work on improving its Full Self Driving technology, it remains to be seen how the company will address the issues with curb detection and provide a solution for concerned owners.

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