Tesla Semi Fire: Massive Water Usage to Extinguish | Giga Gears

California Firefighters Use 50,000 Gallons of Water to Extinguish Tesla Semi Fire


The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently disclosed that firefighters in California had to utilize a staggering 50,000 gallons of water to successfully extinguish a fire involving a Tesla Semi truck. The incident occurred last month when the electric truck crashed on Interstate 80 in Northern California, resulting in a massive fire that reached temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees. As a result, the highway had to be closed for 16 hours.

The Tesla Semi Fire Incident

The Tesla Semi truck, known for its innovative electric technology, was involved in a severe accident on Interstate 80. The crash caused the vehicle’s battery pack to burst into flames, leading to a massive fire that quickly engulfed the truck. The intensity of the fire and the potential risks associated with the electric vehicle prompted firefighters to take immediate action to extinguish the flames and prevent further damage.

The Firefighting Efforts

California firefighters faced a significant challenge in combating the Tesla Semi fire due to the unique nature of electric vehicle fires. With limited experience in handling such incidents, firefighters had to adapt their firefighting techniques to effectively address the situation. The intensity and heat of the fire required an enormous amount of water, resulting in the use of 50,000 gallons to fully extinguish the flames.

Impact on Traffic and Highway Closure

The severity of the Tesla Semi fire forced authorities to close down Interstate 80 for a prolonged period of 16 hours. The closure caused significant disruptions to traffic, inconveniencing commuters and resulting in delays. The incident highlights the potential challenges faced by emergency responders when dealing with electric vehicle fires and the need for specialized training and resources to handle such situations efficiently.


The Tesla Semi fire incident in California serves as a reminder of the unique challenges posed by electric vehicle fires. The NTSB’s disclosure of the massive amount of water used by firefighters highlights the need for further research and development in firefighting techniques specific to electric vehicles. As the popularity of electric vehicles continues to rise, it is crucial for emergency responders to be adequately prepared to handle such incidents effectively and ensure the safety of all involved.

Read more: Tesla Semi Fire Took 50,000 Gallons of Water to Extinguish

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