“Tesla Theft Remains Easy Despite Keyless Upgrades”

The Rise of Car Thefts: How Thieves Are Exploiting Modern Technology

Car thefts have been increasing in recent years, and there are a few key reasons behind this alarming trend. TikTokers have discovered that Kias are surprisingly easy to steal, while budding thieves have found ways to exploit modern keyless entry technology. Despite efforts to update wireless car tech to prevent hacks, some vehicles, like Tesla cars, remain vulnerable.

Kias: The Surprisingly Easy Target

One of the factors contributing to the rise in car thefts is the realization among TikTokers that Kias are incredibly easy to steal. This newfound knowledge has made Kias a prime target for thieves looking for a quick score.

Hacking Modern Keyless Entry Systems

Another factor driving the increase in car thefts is the ability of thieves to hack modern keyless entry systems. By exploiting vulnerabilities in this technology, thieves can gain access to vehicles without needing the physical key, making it easier than ever to steal cars.

Tesla Cars: A Target for Thieves

Despite efforts to update wireless car technology to prevent hacks, Tesla cars remain vulnerable to theft. Thieves have found ways to bypass security measures on Tesla vehicles, highlighting the ongoing challenges in securing modern cars against theft.

For more information on the rise of car thefts and how thieves are exploiting modern technology, read more here.

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