“Tesla Unaware of Child Labor in Cobalt Mining”

Activists Raise Concerns Over Tesla’s Cobalt Supply Chain

Activists are raising concerns over high-profile cobalt consumer Tesla’s lack of action in ensuring ethical mining practices for its cobalt supply chain. The company has been criticized for not doing enough to prevent the use of child or forced labor in the mining of cobalt, a key component in electric vehicle batteries.

Tesla’s Response

Tesla has stated that it is implementing checks on its suppliers to address these concerns. However, critics argue that these checks are insufficient, as they only involve scheduled visits by third-party monitors.

The Impact on Children

Reports have surfaced linking Tesla’s suppliers to child labor practices, raising further questions about the company’s commitment to ethical sourcing. Activists are calling on Tesla to take more decisive action to ensure that its cobalt is mined without the use of child or forced labor.

For more information on this issue, click here.

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