Tesla Whistleblower Leaks 100GB of Secrets to German News Site: Report

A recent report by a German news outlet has uncovered a concerning trend within Tesla’s internal files. The report reveals that the company has been ignoring customer complaints about dangerous Autopilot glitches while prioritizing the protection of their own interests.

According to the report, the news outlet sifted through over 23,000 of Tesla’s internal files and discovered a pattern of customer complaints being brushed off or ignored altogether. This is particularly alarming given the potential dangers associated with Autopilot glitches, which can put both drivers and other road users at risk.

The report suggests that Tesla has been more concerned with protecting its own interests than addressing the concerns of its customers. This is evidenced by the fact that the company has reportedly been quick to deny any responsibility for accidents or incidents involving Autopilot, even when there is evidence to suggest that the system was at fault.

This approach is not only concerning from a safety perspective but also raises questions about Tesla’s commitment to customer service. If the company is not willing to listen to its customers and address their concerns, it is difficult to see how it can maintain a positive reputation in the long term.

In light of these findings, it is clear that Tesla needs to take a more proactive approach to addressing customer complaints and ensuring the safety of its vehicles. This may involve investing in more robust testing and quality control processes, as well as improving communication channels with customers.

Ultimately, the success of any company depends on its ability to meet the needs and expectations of its customers. If Tesla wants to continue to grow and thrive in the highly competitive automotive industry, it must prioritize customer safety and satisfaction above all else.

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