Tesla’s Charging Network Thrives, But CCS May Be Better

How Ford and GM are Partnering with Tesla to Improve EV Charging Infrastructure in the US

As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rise, the need for a robust charging infrastructure becomes more pressing. In the United States, Tesla has established itself as the leader in this space, with its extensive Supercharger network that spans the country. Now, two of the biggest names in the automotive industry, Ford and General Motors (GM), are teaming up with Tesla to improve their own EV charging capabilities.

Ford and Tesla’s Partnership

In a recent announcement, Ford revealed that its upcoming electric vehicles would be able to use Tesla’s charging network. This move is significant because it means that Ford owners will have access to the best charging infrastructure in the country, which is crucial for long-distance travel. The partnership is also a win for Tesla, as it will help to increase utilization of its Supercharger network.

This is not the first time that Ford and Tesla have partnered up. In 2019, Ford invested $500 million in Rivian, an electric vehicle startup that has received funding from Amazon and is seen as a potential rival to Tesla. The investment was part of Ford’s plan to develop a new electric vehicle using Rivian’s platform.

GM and Tesla’s Partnership

Following in Ford’s footsteps, GM announced on Thursday that it too would be partnering with Tesla to improve its EV charging infrastructure. The details of the partnership are still unclear, but it is expected that GM’s electric vehicles will eventually be able to use Tesla’s Supercharger network.

This move is surprising given that GM and Tesla are direct competitors in the EV market. However, it is not uncommon for automakers to collaborate on certain projects, especially when it comes to developing new technologies or improving infrastructure.

The Benefits of Collaboration

Partnering with Tesla makes sense for both Ford and GM because it allows them to leverage Tesla’s existing infrastructure rather than building their own from scratch. This is particularly important for Ford, which is still in the early stages of its EV rollout. By using Tesla’s Supercharger network, Ford can offer its customers a reliable and convenient charging experience right from the start.

For GM, partnering with Tesla is a way to catch up to its competitors in the EV space. While GM has been making strides in this area with the launch of the Chevy Bolt and the upcoming release of the Cadillac Lyriq, it still lags behind Tesla in terms of charging infrastructure. By teaming up with Tesla, GM can offer its customers access to a larger network of charging stations, which is crucial for long-distance travel.

The Future of EV Charging Infrastructure

The partnerships between Ford, GM, and Tesla are just the beginning of what could be a major shift in the EV charging landscape. As more automakers enter the market and demand for EVs continues to rise, the need for a robust charging infrastructure will only become more pressing.

Fortunately, there are already signs that this infrastructure is starting to take shape. In addition to Tesla’s Supercharger network, there are several other charging networks that are expanding across the country. For example, Electrify America, which was established as part of Volkswagen’s settlement for its diesel emissions scandal, has been rapidly expanding its network of charging stations.

There are also efforts underway to standardize EV charging protocols, which would make it easier for drivers to use different charging networks. Currently, there are several different types of charging connectors and protocols in use, which can be confusing for drivers. By establishing a standard protocol, automakers and charging networks can ensure that drivers have a consistent experience no matter where they charge their vehicle.


The partnerships between Ford, GM, and Tesla are a sign that the automotive industry is starting to take EVs seriously. By collaborating on charging infrastructure, these companies are helping to address one of the biggest challenges facing the EV market. As more automakers enter the space and demand for EVs continues to rise, it is likely that we will see more partnerships and collaborations aimed at improving the charging infrastructure. Ultimately, this will make EVs a more viable option for consumers and help to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.

H2: The Importance of a Robust Charging Infrastructure

H2: Ford and Tesla’s Partnership

H2: GM and Tesla’s Partnership

H2: The Benefits of Collaboration

H2: The Future of EV Charging Infrastructure

H2: Conclusion

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