Texas Aims to Eliminate Yearly Inspections

Texas May Eliminate Yearly Inspections for Non-Commercial Vehicles

The state of Texas is considering a bill that would eliminate yearly inspections for non-commercial vehicles. If signed into law by the governor, Texans won’t have to run their personal cars through the inspection process once the calendar flips into the year 2025. The issue has sparked debate on both sides, with some claiming that inspections are costly and time-consuming, while others argue that they are necessary for public safety.

The Pros and Cons of Yearly Vehicle Inspections

Removing the need for yearly vehicle inspections is a thorny topic. One side claims the requirement is nothing more than a dog-and-pony show, one which can take uninformed motorists for an expensive ride if unscrupulous individuals demand compliance repairs which aren’t actually needed. On the other side of the fence, images are brought forth of clapped-out and unsafe vehicles becoming a menace on our roads.

As always, the truth tends to lie somewhere in the middle. It’d be a stretch to think that Texas roads will immediately devolve into lawless wastelands dominated by rusty Silverado pickup trucks held together with duct tape and a bit of rabbit wire, though there will certainly be bad players who will take advantage of the situation and run a set of dangerously bald tires for yet another year. However, one can rightly argue a motorist with that type of attitude will drive their car anyway, regardless of whether an inspection is required.

Unfair Inspections

Then there’s the musing that inspections are applied unfairly. If Car X is driven 35,000 miles a year but Car Z’s wheels only turn half that amount, there’s a case to be made that X’s wear items will obviously be laid waste far sooner than Z’s – yet both rigs are required to undergo scrutiny at the same intervals. Texas is one of the few states to currently require annual inspections of non-commercial vehicles owned by private individuals.

Additional Fees

As an aside, should this bill be signed into law, an extra fee will be tacked on vehicle registration costs to continue funding the Texas Mobility Fund. That’s a bank of cash intended to pay for new highways. Right now, most of the basic inspection fee is directed to that fund. Any enormous repair bills are, of course, funneled into the coffers of a garage.

The Business of State Inspections

One thing’s for sure – state inspections are a big and, in some corners, very profitable business. Whatever decision is made, someone’s going to be unhappy.


The debate over yearly vehicle inspections in Texas is ongoing. While some argue that they are costly and unnecessary, others believe that they are necessary for public safety. Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that state inspections are a big and profitable business.

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