The Downsides of Public Charging: Insights from a Rivian Owner | Giga Gears

The Challenges of Public Charging for Electric Vehicles

The Realities of Public Charging for Electric Vehicles

When it comes to electric vehicles (EVs), one of the biggest challenges is the availability and reliability of charging infrastructure. While some EV owners may have access to functional fast chargers on a regular basis, a recent experience with a Rivian R1T Max Pack owner highlights a key issue in the public charging system: real output.

The Experience of a Rivian R1T Owner

A user on the X platform, known as @MissGoElectric, shared her experience with her new Rivian R1T Dual Motor Performance Max Pack. She arrived at a charging station with only 1% battery remaining and plugged into a 350kW DC Fast Charger under ideal conditions. Despite the high charging capacity of her vehicle’s battery, the charging speed did not meet expectations.

The Discrepancy Between Expected and Actual Charging Speed

While the Rivian R1T Max Pack is capable of storing 180 kWh of energy, the charging station provided significantly less power than its 350kW label suggested. The charging speed started at 198kW and peaked at 204kW when the battery reached 16% state of charge (SOC). Within ten minutes, the battery had only reached 20% SOC, equivalent to approximately 80 miles of range.

As the charging continued, the speed dropped considerably. It peaked at 183kW between 30% and 65% SOC and mostly stayed below 150kW. At 67% SOC, the rate dropped further to just 109kW. It took a total of 38 minutes to reach a 70% SOC and another ten minutes to reach 80% SOC. By the time the battery reached 85%, the charge rate was below 50kW, and it estimated an additional 1 hour and 8 minutes to reach 100% SOC.

The Importance of Home Charging

While this experience highlights the inconsistencies in public charging, it is important to note that it is not a reflection of Rivian or any other EV automaker. Many EVs, including the Rivian R1T, have impressive fast charging capabilities. However, relying solely on public charging can be unpredictable. For a more consistent charging experience, it is still recommended to have access to home charging overnight.

Overall, the challenges of public charging infrastructure remain a significant hurdle for widespread EV adoption. As the industry continues to evolve, improvements in charging speed and reliability will be crucial for the success of electric vehicles.

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