“Top Car Buying Tips from Jalopnik’s Expert | Giga Gears”

The Most Insane Excuses and Practices by Car Dealers Revealed

For nearly a decade, Jalopnik has been a platform for sharing dealer stories and providing valuable car buying advice. Throughout the years, we have uncovered various shocking practices and excuses used by car dealers that every consumer should be aware of.

Dealers Avoid Putting Quotes in Writing

One of the common tactics employed by some dealers is their reluctance to provide written quotes. We have encountered dealers who prefer verbal communication, making it difficult for customers to have a documented record of the agreed-upon terms. This lack of transparency can lead to misunderstandings and potential disputes.

Excessive Charges and Add-Ons

Another issue we have come across is dealers going overboard with additional charges and add-ons. These extra fees can significantly inflate the final price of the vehicle, catching customers off guard. It is crucial for buyers to carefully review the breakdown of costs and negotiate these charges before finalizing any purchase.

Unethical Detention of Customers

Believe it or not, there have been instances where dealers thought it was acceptable to detain customers against their will. This outrageous practice came to light when a customer was essentially kidnapped by a dealer in an attempt to pressure them into making a purchase. Such actions are not only illegal but also morally reprehensible.

If you want to learn more about these shocking practices and gain valuable car buying advice, click here to read our comprehensive guide.

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