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The Worst Cars from Great Automakers

Throughout history, even the world’s greatest car companies have produced some less-than-stellar vehicles. From near misses like the Ferrari Mondial to massive disappointments like the Alfa Romeo Arna, no automaker is immune to creating a bad car. Let’s take a closer look at some of the worst cars from renowned automakers.

The Ferrari Mondial

One example of a near miss is the Ferrari Mondial. Despite its iconic brand name, the Mondial failed to live up to expectations. With its underwhelming performance and questionable design choices, it left many Ferrari enthusiasts disappointed.

The Alfa Romeo Arna

Another letdown was the Alfa Romeo Arna. This collaboration between Alfa Romeo and Nissan resulted in a car that lacked the charm and performance expected from both brands. It quickly became known as one of the biggest disappointments in automotive history.

While these examples highlight the occasional missteps of great automakers, it’s important to remember that even the best can produce a bad car. It’s all part of the evolution and innovation that drives the automotive industry forward.

For more information on the worst cars from great automakers, check out Owen Bellwood’s article on Jalopnik.

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