Toyota FJ Cruiser Driver Ejected in Kuwait Beach Rollover – Giga Gears

The Miraculous Survival of a Driver Ejected in a Beach Rollover Accident


A 34-year-old man in Kuwait had a harrowing experience when his reckless driving led to a dramatic accident at Abu Al Hasaniya beach. The incident, captured on camera, involved a Toyota FJ Cruiser rolling over multiple times, ejecting the driver, and culminating in a miraculous survival story.

The Accident

  • The accident occurred at Abu Al Hasaniya beach in Kuwait.
  • The Toyota SUV rolled over several times, ejecting the driver.
  • Despite the severity of the crash, the driver sustained only minor injuries.

The Incident

The heart-stopping moment unfolded as the blue-and-white FJ Cruiser navigated the sandy beach. The driver’s reckless maneuvers led to the vehicle rolling over and launching him approximately 16 feet into the air before landing in the water. The driver, visibly injured, managed to limp to shore, defying the odds of survival.


While the driver escaped with minor injuries, the Toyota FJ Cruiser suffered extensive damage and was retrieved from the sea by local authorities. Photos and videos of the aftermath circulated online, showcasing the wreckage and highlighting the dangers of reckless driving.

Lessons Learned

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of irresponsible behavior behind the wheel. Hopefully, the driver has learned from this near-death experience and will avoid such risky stunts in the future.


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