Toyota GR Corolla Buyer Discovers Hidden GPS Tracker Installed by Dealer

Toyota GR Corolla Owner Discovers Hidden GPS Tracker Draining Battery

Imagine the thrill of driving off in your new Toyota GR Corolla Circuit, only to find your battery drained within a month. That’s the reality Anthony Do faced when he discovered a hidden GPS tracker installed in his car without his knowledge. The implications of such a device extend beyond mere tracking.

The Shocking Discovery

Anthony Do, a proud owner of a Toyota GR Corolla Circuit, found his battery completely dead after leaving the car parked for a month. Upon investigation, he realized that a hidden GPS tracker was the culprit. Despite never being informed by the dealer, Do uncovered reports of similar issues with other owners.

The Unwanted Device

The GPS tracker found in Do’s car, manufactured by Phillips, serves no apparent purpose. Even though the dealer offered a tracking device for stolen cars, Do declined as he had paid in full for his vehicle. The presence of such devices raises concerns about privacy and security.

Potential Dangers

Having an undisclosed GPS tracker in a vehicle poses various risks. Dealerships could misuse the data collected, and unauthorized individuals might attempt theft or other criminal activities. The connection between GPS tracking and driver behavior monitoring for insurance purposes is also alarming.

What You Can Do

If you’ve recently purchased a vehicle, it’s advisable to check for hidden tracking devices. However, before removing any device, review your sales and financing agreements to ensure compliance. Always be aware of what you’re agreeing to when buying a car.

We have reached out to Toyota for comment and will update this story accordingly.

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