Trooper Sent Into Guard Rail During High-Speed PIT Maneuver | Giga Gears

The Pit Maneuver: A Risky Police Tactic Gone Wrong


When law enforcement officers are in pursuit of a suspect, they often resort to tactics like the PIT maneuver to bring the chase to an end. However, as seen in a recent incident involving the Arkansas State Police, things can quickly go awry, leading to dangerous consequences.

The Chase

In the video released by the Arkansas State Police, an officer can be seen speeding on the highway in pursuit of a Mercedes driver. Despite several attempts to stop the fleeing suspect, including deploying spike strips, the chase continues.

The PIT Maneuver Gone Wrong

As the dashcam-carrying officer attempts the PIT maneuver to immobilize the suspect’s vehicle, the situation takes a turn for the worse. The officer’s car collides with the guard rail, causing significant damage and bringing the chase to an abrupt halt.


This incident raises questions about the use of aggressive pursuit tactics by law enforcement agencies. The risks involved in high-speed chases and maneuvers like the PIT are evident, and in this case, the consequences were severe.


While the officer involved in the incident escaped serious injury, the damaged patrol car serves as a reminder of the dangers associated with police pursuits. It is essential for law enforcement agencies to reevaluate their tactics to ensure the safety of both officers and the public.

Image Credit: LRHN

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