UAW Accuses Hyundai, VW, Honda of Union Busting in US Factories

UAW Files Unfair Labor Practice Charges Against Hyundai, Volkswagen, and Honda


The United Auto Workers (UAW) has filed unfair labor practice charges against Hyundai, Volkswagen, and Honda.
These charges allege that the automakers are using illegal tactics to hinder workers from organizing and joining
the UAW. The outcome of this dispute is still uncertain, but the allegations are significant.


Following the UAW’s victory against the big three automakers earlier this year, non-union workers from other
automakers began reaching out to the union. They started signing union cards and organizing at their respective
plants. However, they have also faced backlash for their efforts. Just last week, over 1,000 workers at
Volkswagen’s Chattanooga, TN plant signed up for the union.

Allegations of Illegal Opposition

Workers at Volkswagen, Hyundai, and Honda are allegedly facing illegal opposition to their efforts to unionize.
For example, Honda workers claim that management has instructed them to remove union stickers from their hats and
has threatened them with write-ups. Similar allegations have been made against Volkswagen and Hyundai,
including harassment, threats, confiscation of pro-union materials, and attempts to silence workers.

UAW’s Response

UAW President Shawn Fain stated, “These companies are violating the law in an attempt to compel autoworkers to
remain silent instead of advocating for their fair share.” The UAW is determined to fight back against
union-busting efforts and is extending an invitation to workers from various automakers to join the union.


The UAW’s filing of unfair labor practice charges against Hyundai, Volkswagen, and Honda highlights the ongoing
struggle for workers’ rights in the auto industry. The outcome of this dispute will have significant
implications for labor relations in the sector.

Image Credit: UAW

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