UAW to Strike Plants if No Deal Reached: Report | Giga Gears

The Morning Shift: UAW Threatens Strikes if No Deal Reached with Automakers

Good morning! It’s Wednesday, September 13, 2023, and this is The Morning Shift, your daily roundup of the top automotive headlines from around the world, in one place. Here are the important stories you need to know.

UAW Will Target Plants to Strike if No Deal Reached with Automakers

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union has announced that it will target specific plants for strikes if a deal is not reached with automakers. The UAW is currently negotiating new contracts with General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis, and has warned that it will take action if an agreement is not reached.

The UAW represents nearly 400,000 workers in the United States, and a strike could have a significant impact on the automotive industry. The union is seeking higher wages, better benefits, and job security for its members.

According to UAW President Ray Curry, “We are prepared to do whatever it takes to secure a fair contract for our members. If that means going on strike, we will not hesitate.”

Impact on the Automotive Industry

A strike by the UAW could disrupt production at several major automakers. If plants are forced to shut down due to strikes, it could result in a shortage of vehicles and parts, leading to higher prices and longer wait times for consumers.

The automotive industry is already facing challenges due to a global semiconductor shortage and supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. A strike would further exacerbate these issues and could have a ripple effect throughout the industry.

Analysts predict that a strike could cost automakers billions of dollars in lost revenue and could have long-term consequences for the industry. It could also impact the broader economy, as the automotive sector is a significant driver of economic growth and employment.

Negotiations and Potential Resolutions

The UAW is currently in negotiations with automakers to reach new contracts. The union is seeking to address several key issues, including wages, benefits, and job security.

Automakers, on the other hand, are facing their own challenges, including rising costs for raw materials and the transition to electric vehicles. They are seeking to balance the demands of the union with their own financial constraints.

Both sides have expressed a desire to reach a fair and mutually beneficial agreement. However, if negotiations break down, the UAW has made it clear that it is prepared to take action.

Potential resolutions to the current impasse could include compromises on wages and benefits, as well as commitments from automakers to invest in domestic production and job creation.


The threat of strikes by the UAW is looming over the automotive industry. As negotiations continue, both the union and automakers are under pressure to reach a deal that addresses the concerns of workers while also ensuring the long-term viability of the industry.

A strike would have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only automakers but also suppliers, dealerships, and consumers. It would further disrupt an industry already facing significant challenges.

Ultimately, the outcome of these negotiations will shape the future of the automotive industry and could have implications for years to come.


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