“Ugliest British Car Ever?”

The TVR Vixen: A Brutal Eyesore

The TVR Vixen is a car that’s hard to look at. The front end is awkwardly proportioned, with the corners jutting out further than the rest of the bumper. The chrome guards on the front and rear corners only serve to highlight this odd design choice. The car’s overall shape is inconsistent, lacking the sleek lines and Golden Ratio that we’ve come to expect from British car design. It’s no wonder that the TVR Vixen is often considered one of the ugliest cars to come out of Great Britain.

The Marcos Mantis M70: A Frankenstein’s Monster

The Marcos Mantis M70 suffers from a similar issue as the TVR Vixen. The front half of the car looks like it belongs on a different vehicle than the back half. The result is a disjointed and unappealing design that doesn’t quite know what it wants to be. While some may appreciate the unique look of the Marcos Mantis M70, it’s hard to deny that it’s not one of the most attractive British cars ever made.

The Reliant Robin: Three Wheels Too Many

The Reliant Robin is a strange little car that’s hard to take seriously. With just three wheels, it looks more like a toy than a real vehicle. The car’s odd proportions and lack of symmetry only add to its overall weirdness. While the Reliant Robin may have its fans, it’s hard to argue that it’s anything but one of the ugliest British cars ever made.

Other Contenders for the Title of Ugliest British Car

Of course, there are plenty of other cars that could be considered contenders for the title of ugliest British car. The Morris Marina, for example, is often criticized for its boxy and uninspired design. The Austin Allegro is another car that’s frequently mocked for its awkward shape and strange design choices. And then there’s the Hillman Imp, a car that’s often described as looking like a “bubble on wheels.”


While British car design is often associated with beauty and elegance, there have been plenty of missteps along the way. From the TVR Vixen to the Reliant Robin, there are plenty of cars that could be considered the ugliest to come out of Great Britain. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what one person finds ugly, another may find beautiful. Regardless, it’s always interesting to take a look back at some of the more unusual and unappealing designs that have come out of the UK over the years.

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