Unbelievable U-Drag Comparison: NSX Type S vs. Ninja H2 R | Giga Gears

U-Drag Race: Kawasaki Ninja H2 R vs Acura NSX Type S

Kawasaki Ninja H2 R vs Acura NSX Type S


Motorcycles and cars achieve high levels of performance in different ways. This U-drag race between the Kawasaki Ninja H2 R and the Acura NSX Type S is the perfect example of just that. Despite the drastic differences in each platform, the final results are closer than one might expect.

The U-Drag Race

A U-drag race is a quarter-mile drag race where vehicles have to make a U-turn before racing back to the start line. It tests acceleration, braking, and cornering in one efficient package.

The Competitors

The Acura NSX Type S has 600 hp and weighs 3,913 pounds, while the Kawasaki Ninja H2 R weighs only 476 pounds and boasts 305 hp. On paper, it seems like an easy win for the bike, but reality proves otherwise.

Race Results

In the first race, the Acura gets off the line quicker, but the bike catches up and passes it before the quarter-mile mark. Both vehicles go into the turn neck and neck. The Acura manages to stay ahead and win the race.

In the second race, the Acura doesn’t get as good of a launch, allowing the Ninja to close the gap. The race ends in a tie.

The third race follows a similar pattern, with the Ninja closing in on the Acura but falling short of victory. Despite their differences, these two vehicles prove to be incredibly close in performance.


The U-drag race between the Kawasaki Ninja H2 R and the Acura NSX Type S showcases the unique strengths of motorcycles and cars. While the Ninja excels in straight-line speed, the Acura’s four tires give it an advantage in cornering. The races result in a close competition, highlighting the impressive capabilities of both vehicles.

Watch the Race

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