“Upgrade Your Ferrari with a Manual Swap | Giga Gears”

The Evolution of Sports Car Gearboxes: From Manual to Dual-Clutch

In today’s automotive world, high-end sports cars are equipped with advanced dual-clutch automatic gearboxes that provide super-quick shifts and enhanced driver control. These modern transmissions outperform traditional manual gearboxes in terms of performance and efficiency.

The 1990s: A Different Era for Sports Car Transmissions

Back in the 1990s, the technology for dual-clutch gearboxes was not yet developed. Sports cars of that era relied on manual transmissions, which often resulted in unresponsive and clunky gear changes. Despite their limitations, these cars still hold a special place in the hearts of enthusiasts.

To learn more about the impact of transmissions on sports cars, including how some iconic models were affected, click here.

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