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The Decades-Old International Operation to Eradicate the New World Screwworm

Have you ever heard of the New World Screwworm? It is a fly larva that burrows into its host, causing severe damage and often leading to death. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been leading an international effort to eradicate this destructive pest.

What is the New World Screwworm?

The New World Screwworm is a fly larva that feeds on living tissue, causing extensive damage to its host. It is a serious threat to livestock and wildlife, as well as humans. The USDA has been working tirelessly to eliminate this pest from existence.

The Eradication Efforts

The USDA, in collaboration with other countries, has been implementing various methods to eradicate the New World Screwworm. One of the most unique methods is the airdropping of sterile male flies to disrupt the pest’s breeding cycle. This has been a successful strategy in reducing the population of the New World Screwworm.

Why You Should Care

While you may not have heard of the New World Screwworm before, it is a significant threat to agriculture and wildlife. By eradicating this pest, we can protect livestock, wildlife, and even humans from its destructive effects.

Learn more about the USDA’s efforts to eradicate the New World Screwworm here.

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