VinFast’s Self-Selling Cars Dominance | Giga Gears

VinFast Sells Majority of Electric Vehicles to Itself

A majority of the 11,300 electric vehicles VinFast has sold worldwide this year were to… itself. Barron’s reports that over 7,000 EVs were bought by Green and Smart Mobility. It’s a Vietnamese taxi company that is – you guessed it – controlled by Vingroup, owners of VinFast. The news comes from a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

VinFast’s Self-Purchase Strategy

VinFast, the Vietnamese automaker, has adopted a unique strategy by purchasing a significant number of its own electric vehicles. This move has raised eyebrows and sparked discussions about the company’s motives and long-term sustainability.

The majority of the 11,300 electric vehicles sold by VinFast this year were acquired by Green and Smart Mobility, a Vietnamese taxi company. Interestingly, Green and Smart Mobility is controlled by Vingroup, the parent company of VinFast. This self-purchase strategy has led to speculation about the true demand for VinFast’s electric vehicles in the market.

While VinFast’s self-purchase strategy may seem unconventional, it is not entirely unheard of in the automotive industry. Several companies have employed similar tactics to boost sales numbers and create an illusion of high demand. However, the long-term implications of such a strategy remain uncertain.

The Implications of Self-Purchasing

The decision to sell a significant number of electric vehicles to itself raises questions about VinFast’s financial stability and market viability. Critics argue that this strategy artificially inflates sales figures and masks the true demand for VinFast’s electric vehicles.

By purchasing its own vehicles, VinFast can create the perception of high demand, which may attract potential investors and customers. However, this strategy could backfire if investors and consumers discover the true nature of the sales figures.

Moreover, the self-purchase strategy may have negative consequences for VinFast’s reputation and credibility. Customers who discover that a significant portion of the company’s sales are internal transactions may question the quality and desirability of VinFast’s electric vehicles.

Additionally, this strategy could hinder VinFast’s ability to accurately assess market demand and make informed business decisions. Without reliable data on actual customer demand, the company may struggle to develop effective marketing strategies and allocate resources efficiently.

The Future of VinFast

VinFast’s self-purchase strategy raises concerns about the company’s long-term sustainability. While it may provide short-term benefits in terms of attracting investors and creating a positive image, the lack of genuine customer demand could pose significant challenges in the future.

To ensure its success, VinFast needs to focus on building a strong customer base and establishing itself as a reputable electric vehicle manufacturer. This requires genuine market demand and customer satisfaction, rather than relying on internal transactions to inflate sales figures.

Furthermore, VinFast should invest in research and development to enhance the quality and performance of its electric vehicles. By offering innovative features and addressing any existing shortcomings, the company can attract genuine customers and differentiate itself from competitors.

Lastly, VinFast should prioritize transparency and open communication with investors and customers. By providing accurate and reliable information about its sales figures and market demand, the company can build trust and credibility in the industry.


VinFast’s decision to sell a majority of its electric vehicles to itself raises questions about the company’s motives and long-term sustainability. While this self-purchase strategy may create the illusion of high demand, it could have negative consequences for VinFast’s reputation and hinder its ability to accurately assess market demand.

To ensure its success, VinFast needs to focus on building genuine customer demand, enhancing the quality of its electric vehicles, and prioritizing transparency in its business practices. Only by doing so can VinFast establish itself as a reputable player in the electric vehicle market and secure its future.

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