Virgin Atlantic Flight Canceled Due to Missing Bolts on Airbus A330

Virgin Atlantic Flight to New York City Canceled Due to Missing Screws on Wing

A Virgin Atlantic flight scheduled to depart for New York City was abruptly canceled on January 15 after a vigilant passenger discovered that several screws were missing from the wing of the Airbus A330 aircraft. The incident occurred at Manchester Airport in England, where Phil Hardy, a British traveler, noticed the issue while onboard Virgin Flight 127.

The Discovery

As passengers settled into their seats and prepared for takeoff, Hardy’s keen eye caught sight of the missing screws on the wing. Recognizing the potential danger this posed, he immediately alerted the flight crew, who promptly investigated the situation. After confirming the validity of Hardy’s observation, the decision was made to cancel the flight for safety reasons.

Passenger Safety First

Virgin Atlantic prioritizes the safety and well-being of its passengers above all else. The airline’s commitment to maintaining high safety standards is evident in its swift response to this incident. By canceling the flight, Virgin Atlantic ensured that no passengers would be put at risk due to the missing screws on the wing.

Investigation and Resolution

Following the cancellation, an investigation was launched to determine how the screws went missing and whether there were any other maintenance issues that needed addressing. Virgin Atlantic worked closely with Airbus and relevant authorities to thoroughly inspect the aircraft and rectify any potential problems. The airline’s maintenance team replaced the missing screws and conducted a comprehensive check to ensure the aircraft’s airworthiness before rescheduling the flight.

Passenger Compensation and Support

Virgin Atlantic understands the inconvenience caused to passengers due to the flight cancellation. The airline promptly offered affected passengers compensation, alternative flight arrangements, and assistance with accommodation and transportation as necessary. Passengers were also provided with regular updates and support throughout the process to minimize any further disruption to their travel plans.


The incident involving the missing screws on the wing of Virgin Atlantic’s Airbus A330 highlights the airline’s commitment to passenger safety. By canceling the flight and taking immediate action to rectify the issue, Virgin Atlantic demonstrated its dedication to upholding the highest standards of aircraft maintenance and ensuring the well-being of its passengers.

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