Virginia City Slow to Rename Confederate Streets

Renaming Streets Honoring Confederate Leaders in Alexandria, Virginia

The debate over the removal of Confederate monuments and symbols has been ongoing for years. In Alexandria, Virginia, local residents are pushing for the renaming of streets that honor leaders of the Confederacy. The city government has already taken steps to find new names and change signage gradually, but it could take decades before all the street names are removed.

Why Rename Streets Honoring Confederate Leaders?

The Confederacy was a group of states that seceded from the United States in 1861, leading to the American Civil War. The Confederacy fought to preserve slavery and white supremacy, and its leaders are often associated with racism and oppression. Many people believe that honoring these leaders with street names is inappropriate and offensive.

In recent years, there has been a growing movement to remove Confederate symbols from public spaces. This movement gained momentum after the 2015 Charleston church shooting, in which a white supremacist killed nine black worshippers. The shooter was seen posing with the Confederate flag in photos, sparking a national conversation about the symbolism of the flag and other Confederate monuments.

Alexandria’s Plan to Rename Streets

In Alexandria, there are several streets named after Confederate leaders, including Jefferson Davis Highway and Robert E. Lee Street. The city government has acknowledged that these names are offensive to many residents and has developed a plan to find new names for the streets.

The plan involves forming a task force to research potential new names and gather input from the community. The task force will present its recommendations to the city council, which will then vote on the new names. The city will also gradually replace signage and update maps to reflect the new names.

However, this process could take years or even decades. The city has estimated that it will cost around $300,000 to change all the street signs, and some residents may resist the change. Additionally, there are practical considerations, such as updating addresses and notifying emergency services of the new names.

The Debate Over Confederate Symbols

The debate over Confederate symbols is not unique to Alexandria. Across the country, there have been protests and demonstrations over the removal of Confederate monuments and symbols. Supporters of these symbols argue that they are part of American history and should be preserved. They also argue that removing these symbols erases an important part of Southern heritage.

Opponents of Confederate symbols argue that they are offensive and divisive. They point out that the Confederacy was a treasonous rebellion against the United States and that its leaders fought to preserve slavery. They argue that honoring these leaders with monuments and street names is a form of white supremacy and sends a message that racism is acceptable.

The Future of Confederate Symbols

The debate over Confederate symbols is likely to continue for years to come. While some cities and states have removed Confederate monuments and symbols, others have resisted. In some cases, the removal of these symbols has been met with protests and even violence.

Ultimately, the decision to remove or preserve Confederate symbols is up to individual communities. In Alexandria, residents are pushing for the renaming of streets honoring Confederate leaders, and the city government has responded with a plan to make this happen. While it may take time and resources to complete this process, it is a step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable community.


The renaming of streets honoring Confederate leaders in Alexandria, Virginia is part of a larger national conversation about the role of Confederate symbols in American society. While some argue that these symbols are an important part of Southern heritage, others see them as offensive and divisive. The decision to remove or preserve these symbols is up to individual communities, and in Alexandria, residents are pushing for change. While it may take time and resources to complete this process, it is a step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable community.

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