Volkswagen Beetle fans, it’s not returning – rejoice!

Heading 1: The Original Beetle’s Spirit

The Volkswagen Beetle was a car that captured the hearts of many. It was a no-frills, reliable, and charming car that was loved by families all over the world. The Beetle’s spirit was one of simplicity, durability, and dependability. It was a car that was built to last, and it did just that. The Beetle’s spirit is something that has been hard to replicate in modern times.

Heading 2: The Modern Era

In the modern era, cars have become more complex, more luxurious, and more expensive. The utilitarian principles that underpinned the original Beetle have been abandoned in favor of more luxurious designs. Cars are now seen as status symbols rather than practical modes of transportation.

Heading 3: The Electric Beetle

The idea of an electric Beetle is something that has been discussed for years. However, it’s hard to imagine how a modern-spec electric car could ever adhere to the spirit of the original Beetle. The MEB platform would allow for a new-age Beetle to be more authentic in its conception, but it’s still hard to imagine any new EV adhering rigidly to the same values as the original.

Heading 4: Retro Revivals

Retro revivals have become popular in recent years, with many car manufacturers looking to their past for inspiration. However, these retro-inspired cars often fall short of expectations. They’re never quite as good as the original, and they’re often criticized for not being authentic enough.

Heading 5: Volkswagen’s Future

Volkswagen is looking to the future with its electric cars. The company is developing a cheery and (relatively) cheap family city car for the electric era, but it’s not a retro-inspired Beetle-alike. This is good news for anyone who values substance over style. Volkswagen can focus on its bold electric future without being weighed down by the long and colorful Beetle backstory.

Heading 6: Conclusion

In conclusion, a modern-spec electric car could never fully adhere to the spirit of the original Beetle. The utilitarian principles that underpinned the original are hard to replicate in modern times. Retro revivals often fall short of expectations, and it’s reassuring that Volkswagen is not looking to revive the Beetle anytime soon. Volkswagen can focus on its bold electric future without being weighed down by its past.

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