What are Convertibles Called Spiders?

The Mystery of Convertibles Called Spiders

Have you ever wondered why some convertibles are referred to as “spiders”? It seems odd to associate these sleek, open-top cars with creepy eight-legged creatures. Let’s delve into the origins of this peculiar naming convention.

Possible Origins of the Name

One theory suggests that the term “spider” may have originated from a mistranslation or misinterpretation. Another possibility is that it stems from the resemblance of the convertible top to a spider’s web when it is folded down.

Embracing the Spider Moniker

Despite the initial confusion surrounding the name, many car enthusiasts have come to embrace the term “spider” for convertibles. It adds a touch of uniqueness and character to these small, sporty vehicles.

For more insights on why some convertibles are called spiders, check out the full article here.

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