“Why You Get Sleepy in Cars”

Heading: The Science Behind Feeling Sleepy While Riding in Cars

Have you ever wondered why you feel so sleepy when riding in a car? It turns out that there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. A 2018 study conducted by RMIT University Australia discovered that the natural vibrations experienced when in a moving vehicle can actually make people feel sleepier.

The Impact of Vibrations on Sleepiness

According to the study, the vibrations that occur when a car is in motion can have a calming effect on the body, leading to feelings of drowsiness. This can happen in as little as a short period of time, making it easy to drift off while on a road trip.

Drowsy Driving Dangers

It’s important to note that feeling sleepy while driving can be dangerous. Research has shown that drowsy driving contributes to a significant number of accidents on the road. In fact, one in ten crashes are caused by drowsy driving.

Stay Alert and Safe

To combat the effects of feeling sleepy while riding in a car, it’s essential to take breaks, switch drivers if possible, and avoid driving when you are already feeling tired. By staying alert and well-rested, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable road trip experience.


Next time you find yourself feeling sleepy while riding in a car, remember that it’s not just your imagination. The vibrations from the vehicle are actually playing a role in making you feel drowsy. By understanding this phenomenon and taking steps to stay alert, you can enjoy a safe and comfortable journey.

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