Woman forgets to put car in park

Heading: Woman’s Road Rage Incident Turns into Costly Mistake

A woman’s road rage incident took a dangerous turn when she forgot to put her Hyundai Sonata in park before confronting another driver. The incident serves as a reminder that life can change in an instant, especially when emotions are running high on the road.

The Incident: A Costly Mistake

In a moment of anger, the woman parked her car but failed to engage the parking brake or put the vehicle in park. As she got out to confront the driver of an SUV, her Hyundai Sonata began to roll forward, ultimately colliding with another car. The woman was injured in the process, highlighting the consequences of letting emotions take control behind the wheel.

Lessons Learned: Stay Calm and Stay Safe

This incident serves as a cautionary tale for all drivers to remain calm and composed while on the road. Road rage can lead to dangerous situations and costly mistakes, as demonstrated by this unfortunate event. Remember to always prioritize safety and avoid escalating conflicts while driving.


In the fast-paced world of driving, it’s essential to stay level-headed and focused on safety. This woman’s road rage incident serves as a stark reminder of how quickly things can go wrong when emotions take over. Let this be a lesson to all drivers to prioritize safety and avoid unnecessary confrontations on the road.

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