Writer Submission Guidelines

At GigaGears, we welcome contributions from writers who share our passion for car technology. If you have a compelling and newsworthy story, an insightful editorial, or a comprehensive review, we’d love to hear from you.

1. Content:

Articles should be related to car technology, including topics like electric vehicles, autonomous driving, smart navigation systems, eco-friendly innovations, and other relevant topics.

2. Originality:

All submissions must be original content that you own the rights to and that hasn’t been published elsewhere.

3. Length:

We recommend a length of 800-1500 words.

4. Format:

Please submit your article in a Word document with any image files (if applicable) attached separately.

5. Tone:

Professional yet conversational. Our audience is made up of both industry professionals and general technology enthusiasts.

6. Editing:

GigaGears reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, style, and length.

7. How to submit:

Submit your article to submissions@gigagears.com with “Article Submission” in the subject line. Please include a brief bio and any relevant social media links.

Please note that while we appreciate all submissions, we can only respond to those writers we are interested in working with.

We look forward to your contributions to the GigaGears community!