Your Car Collects Abundant Data on You and Your Driving Habits – Beware

Heading: The Growing Concern of Data Collection in Late-Model Vehicles


In today’s digital age, data has become a valuable commodity. From social media platforms to online shopping, our personal information is constantly being collected and analyzed. However, one area that often goes unnoticed is the data collection that occurs in our vehicles. Automakers are quietly gathering vast amounts of personal data through late-model cars, trucks, and SUVs, raising concerns about privacy and security. In this article, we will explore the extent of data collection by automakers and its potential implications.

Heading: The Data Collection Practices of Auto Manufacturers

Auto manufacturers have publicly acknowledged the data they collect through their privacy policies. While the specifics of how this data is used may not always be clear, it is evident that it ends up in the hands of various entities such as data brokers, insurance companies, and even the government. Privacy4Cars, a website dedicated to vehicle privacy, analyzes this combination of data to generate Vehicle Privacy Reports.

Heading: Ford’s Data Collection Capabilities

Ford is one automaker that collects a significant amount of data from its vehicles. For example, owners of Ford F-150 trucks should be aware that the company can collect information on their driving habits, including speed and pedal usage. Additionally, Ford retains data on the owner’s location and driving license information. This level of data collection raises concerns about privacy and the potential misuse of personal information.

Heading: Toyota’s Extensive Data Collection

Toyota is another automaker that engages in extensive data collection practices. The company can gather information on steering behavior, acceleration, speed, braking, and travel direction. Some Toyota models even have the capability to scan the driver’s face upon entering the vehicle. However, Toyota assures customers that this data is not readable by humans and any facial features are only stored on the vehicle and not transmitted to the company. They also provide customers with the option to disable data transmission.

Heading: Chevrolet’s Comprehensive Data Collection

Chevrolet, a subsidiary of General Motors (GM), also collects a wide range of data from its vehicles. This includes location, route history, speed, gear status, and even window data. In the case of GM electric vehicles (EVs), the automaker can even access information on how the owner utilizes energy from their home if they charge their EV there. While some of this data may seem insignificant to individual drivers, it holds value for corporations and potentially malicious parties.

Heading: The Importance of Being Informed

Understanding the extent of data collection in late-model vehicles is crucial for drivers. By being aware of the personal data they are inadvertently sharing, individuals can make informed decisions about their privacy and take necessary precautions. The comprehensive report breakdown on Wired provides valuable insights into the specific data collected by various automakers, allowing drivers to have a clearer understanding of what information they are giving away each time they get behind the wheel.


As technology continues to advance, the collection of personal data has become a pervasive issue in various aspects of our lives. The automotive industry is no exception, with automakers gathering substantial amounts of data through late-model vehicles. While some may argue that this data collection is necessary for improving vehicle performance and safety, concerns about privacy and potential misuse remain. It is essential for drivers to educate themselves about the extent of data collection by automakers and take steps to protect their privacy and personal information.

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