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health medical pharma

The Dangers of Flying Without Protection: ‘Raw-Dogging’ a Flight | Giga Gears

If you haven’t heard about raw-dogging a flight, consider yourself lucky. Unfortunately for you, that’s exactly what this post is about, so either turn back now or buckle up. Basically, instead of listening to music, reading a book or watching a movie on a flight, some flyers are choosing to skip all that in favor of…


Clarence Thomas Couldn’t Afford RV, But Wanted Patients to Pay for Care Out of Pocket

The corruption allegations against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are only getting worse after a review discovered last week that the RV-loving, yacht-riding, jet-setting judge did not recuse himself from a 2004 health insurance case despite a clear conflict of interest.


Rats Driving Cars: Giga Gears

Canada really has it all: Universal healthcare, a lower cost of living than the United States, and now its rats can drive cars. We’ve previously covered self-driving rats in the past, but that was done by scientists in a laboratory. Kuzko and Kronk, Canada’s viral self-driving rats, were able to learn how to do it…


Neuralink implanted faulty brain chip despite knowing for years

Tesla boss Elon Musk has his fingers in quite a few pies these days, with half his mind working to improve electric vehicles for the masses, some of it working to save social media from bots and a bit more working on taking us to Mars. When he’s not doing that, he’s also leading a company that knew its brain chips…